
Eag's twin

14 January 2025 - 09:44

In the English capital, a new event dedicated to land-based casinos: it is the London Casino and Gaming Show, presented by its ambassador Nick Harding.

Written by Amr

If you want something done, do it yourself. The Eag fair, scheduled in January in London, like every year, will be supported by two news from this 2025 edition in the amusement section: the Social Immersive Entertainment Expo (Sie) and the London Casino and Gaming Show.
The ambassador of Eag, Nick Harding, explains the reasons and the process of the birth of this event, specifically designed for the land-based casino industry.

“The Eag company has operated the core Eag show for over fifteen years. Before that we were the original developers of the Ice show which we sold. When we realised that Ice was being relocated to Barcelona we talked to our friends in the Casino and Gaming sector and it was clear to us that many people wanted to continue to visit a London show. This meant that we had to move fast in order to put all the building blocks in place to create the new London Casino Show as a sister show to our core Eag product. This has meant a huge amount of work for Nikki Lazenby and her team but I am confident that as an inaugural show we will have something that we are proud of and which will act as a springboard for future years”. 

What specific target is the Lcg aimed at?

“Lcg is aimed specifically at the UK and European Land based Casino and Gaming sector.” 

What specific needs and requests of land-based casinos does an event like Lcg intend to respond to?

“When I was initially asked to act as Ambassador for the Lcg show one of the first people that I approached for advice was Stuart Armstrong at Genting. Stuart was incredibly helpful and he said he was looking for an exhibition where he didn’t want to have to walk for fifteen minutes between appointments, he wanted to talk to exhibitors and suppliers in an ambient atmosphere (which felt more like one of his own casinos) and he wanted a decent cup of coffee. I am confident that we can satisfy those requirements.”

What are the main characteristics of the new event?

“All things ‘land based’ presented in a boutique format. This is our first Casino show for a number of years, it will be ‘work in progress’ for us and we will doubtless derive a huge amount of information that will help us continue to develop the brand for 2026.”

What is the state of health of land-based casinos in the United Kingdom and what are the main challenges they face?

“The industry has worked very hard during a difficult post-pandemic recovery. The prognosis is now good but like much of the high street retail and entertainment sectors where confidence is key, it could always be better and as a sector we are constantly looking at new products and services to take our customer experience to the next level. We have been waiting for legislation to modernise the sector for more than a decade now, to finally allow casinos to have a meaningful number of gaming machines (currently 20, likely to change to be allowed up to 80 machines per premises) and also to be allowed to offer a ‘Sports book’, we’re now very hopeful that the new Government will move this forward swiftly early next year and this of course means that exhibitors at our show will be talking to clients about what will be available to them in order to satisfy future anticipated demand.
Like most European countries there is always an ‘anti-gambling lobby’ trying to undermine what is a key element of the overall entertainment industry nevertheless there’s still plenty to be cheerful about as government and local authorities focus efforts on growing the Uk night time economy with casinos being regarded as strong, well managed and safe night businesses.”

Has the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union had consequences both on gaming events and on the activity of gaming locations?

“I don’t believe that Brexit has presented any particular issues or consequences for us as exhibition providers and as there was never any common policy or regulation of Gaming in Europe as a whole it hasn’t altered land based operational activities in the UK at all.” 

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