After the success of last year's edition, the Family entertainment expo returns in 2024, starting from today February, the 27th, until the 29th, taking place at the Fiera di Bergamo, with the help of the trade fair experience of Promoberg, partner in the organisation.
The international fair dedicated to entertainment operators reintroduce innovation and the development of creativity applied to business, with an appointment whose keyword is discussion, to regenerate the sector.
An industry, that of gaming without cash winning, which also needs new rules, to get out of the misunderstanding of the difficult coexistence with other sectors that have nothing to do with the amusement.
The uniqueness of the Bergamo trade fair aims to reiterate the dignity of a sector which, in addition to being synonymous with entertainment, must be able to reiterate its strong social part for families and children and the contribution to the Italian system that pure entertainment entrepreneurs have earned with years of sacrifices.
So, there will be many topics on the agenda of the event, a special meeting point for producers, importers or managers.
Tiziano Tredese, president of the Consorzio Fee, promoter of the initiative, explains it: “Amusement world, 'our' world, if on the one hand suffers from the tightening of rules which in our opinion are unjustified, has the presumption that all closed systems have, to limit developments to their own historical knowledge. With this second edition of the fair after Covid and with the related initiatives, through conferences, insights and the contest dedicated to start-ups, we wanted to give a very strong boost to creativity applied to business, we wanted to take off our security and see if our customers will be able to be amazed by what we will show together with the melting pot of innovative ideas that will arise during the days of the fair".
As the organizers explain, "Feexpo is not a simple exhibition of attractions, rather an opportunity to face and debate the new technological frontiers that are conceptually and practically modifying the entire amusement sector.
Ample space will be given to new shared gaming formulas, which bring with them the need to create new meeting places.
But not only that, we will also talk about educational gaming, using video games as a language capable of communicating with the new generations.
With spaces also dedicated to the production of classic games and the enhancement of Made in Italy, as well as to the dialogue between retail and amusement, and there will be conferences with trade associations, institutions and entrepreneurs as protagonists".
Alessandro Lama, president of Confesercenti Federamusement, further specifies the content of the panels planned for the 2024 edition, designed to encourage dialogue between all stakeholders in the sector and discussion on the problems that affect the sector: "Let's start from the most important topic for us and which would give new life to the sector: administrative simplification. Thanks to the leaders of the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli, who allowed the reopening of the technical table, we picked up this path of debates and proposals. With a strong appeal to politics and discussion with the institutions, to seek together a path that formally takes our sector away from the one with cash winnings, both semantically and operationally.
Another important point is the innovation of the sector and alignment with the times. We are far from the international market because of some anachronisms; we cannot be competitive if there are still internal rules that keep us tied to archaic choices. While not denying the good things of the past, we can and must see innovation not as a risk but as an opportunity".
Speaking of news, this year the fair has also decided to focus on electronic sports, thanks to a close partnership with the Osservatorio italiano esports.
Luigi Caputo, Ceo and founder of the Observatory, illustrates how important the valorization of esports is, as a new component of entertainment.
"Esports – he states – represent one of the most effective ways to generate digital entertainment and reach the extended gaming audience, represented above all by the generation Z.
Through esports competitions, unique shows and moments of entertainment can be created, because the dynamics of sport merge with gaming, in live tournament context that provides engaging experiences. All this combined with technology makes esports the frontier of entertainment."
Precisely in this context, discussions will be proposed on the main innovation trends in gaming, such as cooperation with content creators and influencers, the use of virtual sports, up to web3 and the metaverse, and companies operating in the market will also be involved, to create networking and business development opportunities with the exhibitors of the fair, bearers of a natural interest in the dynamics and business of gaming.
A fair unique of its kind, a strong signal to the institutions, a message to a growing market open to many entrepreneurs who want to engage in a path of innovation and development that sees the best reward in the smile of customers.
A call for innovators and dreamers of amusement
This year's Feexpo also includes the Call for ideas & start ups, aimed at all those who want to transform ideas, projects and entrepreneurial dynamism into concrete actions, already mentioned by the president of the Consorzio Fee.
Michele Carucci, communication manager of the Consorzio Fee, explains how it is structured and what its objectives are: “Imagine the future by following the path of innovation to revitalise the sector. With this target we wanted to create an opportunity to put into motion the ideas of the 'Dreamers of Amusement': young creative minds, entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs or start-ups who want to transform ideas, projects and entrepreneurial dynamism into concrete actions.
They can participate with proposals and works that are capable of introducing significant innovations into the market, through solutions that take into account new, rapidly expanding technologies. Another essential parameter is environmental, social and economic sustainability.
The proposals will be evaluated by a jury of experts who will select some projects which will be shown as part of the 'Dreamers of amusement' event, within Feexpo 2024. An opportunity to bring together talents and entrepreneurs who can invest and realize the dreams of potential future protagonists of the entertainment industry.”