'Strenghtened Green Pass' in Italian gaming locations from January 2022
Written by Editorial Board
The "Holiday Decree" of the Italian Government requires the super green pass to access the gaming locations from January, the 10th, to March, the 31st, 2022.
The last decree just
launched by the Italian Government for Christmas holidays provides for some measures that are directly and indirectly efficient for the gaming locations too.
Not closures, as happened for 10 months between 2020 and 2021, but simply the requirement to have the super green pass - obtained by people vaccinated or recovered from Covid - to access the halls and casinos.
But how long will it be necessary to comply with this rule?
According to article 8 of the decree, "
from January, the 10th, 2022 until the end of the state of epidemiological emergency from Covid-19" (ie until March, the 31st), access to some services and activities (...), is allowed only to people having the Covid-19 green certifications".
Therefore, the activities and services at issue, paragraphs in hand, are: museums, other institutes and places of culture and exhibitions; swimming pools, swimming centers, gyms, team sports, wellness centers, even within accommodation facilities; spas, except for the accesses necessary for the provision of services falling within the essential levels of assistance and for rehabilitation or therapeutic activities, theme and amusement parks; cultural centers, social and recreational centers; gaming rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos.
Speaking of which, it is good to keep in mind that from February, the 1st, the "strengthened" green pass will be valid for 6 months from the administration of the last dose of the vaccine, and no longer for nine.
As for the use of masks, "
from the date of entry into force of this decree until January, the 31st, 2022, the obligation to use respiratory protection devices, even in outdoor places, also applies in the white area" . From the date of entry into force of the decree until "
the end of the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, for shows open to the public, taking place indoors or outdoors in theaters, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment and live music clubs and in other similar places, as well as for sporting events and competitions taking place indoors or outdoors, it is compulsory to wear respiratory protection devices of Fffp2 kind. In the aforementioned places, different from catering services carried out by any shop, and for the same period of time referred to in the first period, the consumption of food and drinks indoors is prohibited".
Always until the end of the state of emergency, "
the food and drinks consumption at the counter, indoors, in restaurant services, is only allowed to people having the Covid-19 green certificates".